Bruguiera sexangula  (Lour.) Poir.

Bruguiera sexangula  (Lour.) Poir. 

Medium tree, upto 20 m high, evergreen, erect, much branched, spreading or diffused. 
Underground roots not deeply sunken but profusely branched. 
Aerial roots with sallow buttressed in the base of the trunk 
Leaves, simple, opposite, decussate, cauline but thinner than B. gymnorrhiza, petiolate 
Lamina elliptic oblong or oblanceolate, 5 - 10 cm long and 4 - 5 cm broad 
Inflorescence single flowered at the large pendulous cyme. 
Flower ebracteate, pedicellate, pedicel 1 cm long, curved, terete, solid, glabrous, smooth, yellowish, bisexual, regular, complete, pendulous, flowers 3 - 4 cm long, sepals green initially and then turn yellow, whitish inside. 
Calyx sepals 10 - 12 polysepalous, 10 -12 sepal lobes above, funnel like tube below, lobes acicular, apex pointed, hard, persisyent, valvale. 
Corolla petals 10 - 12, polypetalous,  1.2 - 1.5 cm long bilobed, alternate to the sepals, bilobed, each lobe 15 cm broad, lanceolate, coriaceous, tufted, basal side pubescent and petal tip blunt. 
Stamens 20 - 24, free, but 10 - 12 groups, 2 stamens into each folding petal, unequal filament, inserted, introse, basifixed, smooth, the base of the filament is becoming hairy, white, round, soft, anther bilobed, longitudinal dehisced, yellowish. 
Fruit capsule/ berry, pendulous, hypocotyle 8 - 10 cm long, 1.5 - 2.0 cm diam., dark green, glabrous to slight rough, slightly ridged and blunt upto 10 cm long with yellowish persistent calyx tube. 
Fruit fall with the seedlings. 
Germination epigeal, viviparous; hypocotyle upto 25 cm long, blunt apically. 

Economic Importance : Produce good quality timber fro boat-building and carpentary work and yield high calorific valued fuelwoods.